His Eminence
Minling Khenchen Rinpoche

  • Nyingma Lineage
  • Mindrolling Monastery
  • Ngagyur Nyingma College

Due to the efforts and teachings of the great Mahaguru Padmasambhava, Buddhism flourished in Tibet beginning in the 8th century. Of the four main schools that developed, the oldest is the Nyingma or the Old Translation School. The Kagyu, Sakya and Gelug lineages comprise the Sarma or New Translation School.The essence of the Nyingma lineage is the precious Dzogchen teachings, the most ancient, powerful and direct teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. For today’s troubled world, these teachings are the clearest and most effective way to realize one’s full potential as a human being. The Nyingmapa or Nyingma School has six main monasteries of learning and practice. Of the six, Mindrolling is one of the largest and most important practice and study centers in Central Tibet.

Since its establishment in 1676 by the great Dharma King Chogyal Terdag Lingpa, Mindrolling has attracted monks from the length and breadth of Tibet. Mindrolling is considered by all the great masters of Tibetan Buddhism, and especially by all the teachers of the Nyingma lineage as an inspiring example of practicing the pure and profound Dharma of Vajrayana Buddhism. An unbroken lineage of great masters continues up to this day and Mindrolling is known throughout the Dharma world, both as the lineage and monastery dedicated completely to Dharma activities and as a main center for maintaining the precious secret Vajrayana Doctrined.



  1. 8 am to 12:00 noon.
  2. 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm
    (Lunch Break, area is opened but the Shrine Rooms are closed)
  3. 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm


  1. 8 am to 12:00 noon.
  2. 12:00 noon to 2:30 pm
    (Lunch Break, area is opened but the Shrine Rooms are closed)
  3. 2:30 pm to 7:00 pm
    Note: Parking at your own risk

Daily evening prayer

Save Water

India faces a multitude of water-related challenges that impact both rural and urban areas across the country. Let’s delve into some key issues surrounding water in India.

Water Scarcity: One of the most significant water problems in India is water scarcity. Rapid population growth, coupled with erratic rainfall patterns and overexploitation of groundwater, has led to water stress in many regions. States like Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu face acute water scarcity, especially during dry seasons, affecting agriculture, drinking water supply, and livelihoods.

Groundwater Depletion: India is the world’s largest user of groundwater, with the agricultural sector being a major consumer. Over-extraction of groundwater for irrigation purposes has led to declining water tables, particularly in states like Punjab and Haryana. This depletion not only threatens agricultural sustainability but also contributes to land subsidence and water quality issues.

Water Pollution: Water pollution is a significant concern in India, with industrial effluents, agricultural runoff, and untreated sewage contaminating rivers, lakes, and groundwater sources. The Ganga and Yamuna rivers are among the most polluted water bodies in the country, adversely impacting public health and ecosystem health. Contaminated water sources contribute to waterborne diseases, posing a serious health risk to millions of people.

Interstate Water Disputes: India’s federal structure and complex river basin systems have resulted in interstate water disputes, particularly over shared rivers like the Cauvery, Krishna, and Mahanadi. Conflicts over water allocation, dam construction, and water-sharing agreements have often led to tensions between states, highlighting the need for robust water governance mechanisms and cooperation among riparian states.

Lack of Access to Clean Water: Despite progress in improving water accessibility, millions of people in India still lack access to safe and reliable drinking water. Rural areas, tribal communities, and urban slums often face challenges in accessing clean water due to infrastructure limitations, water quality issues, and inequitable distribution of water resources. This lack of access hinders progress in health, education, and economic development.

Climate Change Impacts: India is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, which are exacerbating water-related challenges in the country. Erratic monsoon patterns, increasing temperatures, and changing precipitation levels are affecting water availability, agriculture, and ecosystems. Climate resilience measures and adaptation strategies are essential to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on water resources in India.

Water Management and Governance: Effective water management and governance are crucial for addressing India’s water challenges. Strengthening water institutions, implementing water conservation measures, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and investing in water infrastructure are key priorities. Integrated water resource management approaches that consider social, economic, and environmental dimensions are essential for sustainable water security in India.

In response to these water challenges, the Indian government has launched initiatives such as the Jal Jeevan Mission, which aims to provide piped water supply to all households in rural India by 2024. The Atal Bhujal Yojana focuses on sustainable groundwater management, while the Namami Gange program targets the rejuvenation of the Ganga River.

Civil society organizations, research institutions, and grassroots movements are also actively engaged in water management efforts, advocating for water conservation, pollution control, and community-based water governance.

Addressing India’s water problems requires a multipronged approach that integrates water conservation, pollution control, infrastructure development, and stakeholder participation. By prioritizing sustainable water management practices, promoting water equity, and fostering collaboration at the local, regional, and national levels, India can work towards safeguarding its water resources for current and future generations.

Khenpos enthronement

Today, after many years of anticipation, the much-awaited enthronement of 51 Khenpo’s has finally happened on December 1st. This achievement is attributed to the unwavering commitment and hard work of all the past and present Khenpos, who have dedicated themselves towards the future of Mindrolling lineage scholars. Despite facing numerous obstacles and challenges, they displayed immense determination.

To mark this significant event, we are filled with joy and proud as we gather with Minling Khenchen Rinpoche, Khochim Rinpoche, Trsulshig Yangshe Rinpoche, and several distinguished guests from various countries and Indian states. My heartfelt gratitude to this year ‘s administration in-charge for their hard work as a team to make this successful and memorable.

Bestow of Vows

As annually, this year too, H.E. Khochim Rinpoche bestowed the monastic vows to around 154 monks in Mindrolling , Dehra dun. The ceremony concluded with entire sangha offering long life prayer.

Teachings and Oral Transmissions

H.E. Dakpo Rinpoche, one of the main tutor of Minling Khenchen Rinpoche has been very graciously accepted to give the teachings and oral transmissions of Ronzom Maha Pandita in Mindrolling collage. We are so fortunate and grateful to Rinpoche. Rongzom Chökyi Zangpo, widely known as Rongzom Mahapandita, Rongzom Dharmabhadra, or simply as Rongzompa, was one of the most important scholars of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. Together with Longchenpa and Ju Mipham, he is often considered to be one of the three “omniscient” writers of the school.

Mindrolling college reciting 84000 scriptures of Buddha’s teachings.

4th birthday of Mindrolling Dungsay Jurme Rinchen Namgyal Rinpoche

Today is a very auspicious day for the devotees of Mindrolling lineage of Vajrayana Buddhism. It is the 4th birthday of Mindrolling Dungsay Jurme Rinchen Namgyal Rinpoche, son of present throne holder, His Holiness Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche in Tibet. This year we were fortunate and blessed with the presence of H.E. Khochhim Rinpoche, Dagpo Rinpoche, Penam Tulku Rinpoche, Dorje Bhum Rinpoche, Trulshig Yangse Rinpoche and along with many Tulkus and Khenpos to celebrate this special occasion. Today all Mindrolling followers around the world celebrated this auspicious day. We wish Dungsay Rinpoche long life, good health, success in his studies and advanced in his understanding the pure Buddha dharma.

Annually Exam Reports

As annually, Rinpoche gave out exam reports to all the monk students studing in Primary school and the college in Mindrolling.

Long-Life Puja to Rinpoche

The Mindrolling Sangha here in India and from different countries came together to offer the long-life Puja to Rinpoche. The 3 days puja was presided by H.E. Khochhim Rinpoche. The long-life puja is an elaborate display of devotion towards a spiritual Master/Teacher comprising heartfelt prayers and praises, and a procession of symbolic offerings.

On the 15th February 2023

H.E. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche returned back to monastery after his hospitalization in New Delhi. Rinpoche was welcomed by the sangha and by devotes from different countries who had come to celebrate the Tibetan New Year.


Rinpoche Visit to Vietnam

Rinpoche has concluded his visit to Veitnam. During his stay there he bestowed empowerments and teachings where many disciples attended. This trip he traveled with Tulku Penam Rinpoche and Tulku Jigmey Tsultrim Dorje.

Rinpoche Share Thoughts

Senior monks of Mindrolling requested Rinpoche to share his thoughts of how the younger generations of this modernization age should practice what Buddha had taught. All the monks attended and it was held in the shrine hall of shedra. Group photo was taken after the conclusion.

Annual Tredha Tsechu Puja in USA

Rinpoche arrived in New York on the 4th august. He had been invited by Nyingma Buddhist association USA for the annual Tredha Tsechu puja. During his one week stay there, Rinpoche attended the 25th anniversary of Palyul Retreat Centre in upstate, New York, blessed the new center of Palyul Namdrolling and was also invited by United Sherpa Association (USA) to their temple for blessing and teaching.

After Rinpoche’s program ended in New York, He travelled to Tokyo, Japan. There in Sawara, Chiba, Rinpoche inaugurated the Samye Chokhorling, New Nyingma monastery. He gave teachings and Rigzin Thugthig wang in Tokyo where many people attended.

New College Administers

Preparation of Summer Retreat 45 days

Sikkim Tour

Rinpoche along with Khenpo and monks travelled to Sikkim, North East India, to pay his respects to H.H . Do Drupchen Rinpoche’s Kudung. While returning from Sikkim he had an audience with H.E. Goshir Gyaltsap Rinpoche who was in Siliguri.

Tibetan New Year Ceremony

Tibetan New Year Ceremony

Losar Celebration

This year losar celebration was low-key due to passing of Great Masters of Buddhism. Losar morning prayers were held were all Mindroling Sangha attended.

The last day of the monlam

The last day of the monlam concluded with the puja of Kaling Shitro and vast feast offerings in College temple. All the Mindroling sangha attended. This puja is mainly done for the deceased people.

33rd Monlam Chenmo, 9th February 2022

For almost four decades the Nyingma Monlam Chenmo or the Great World Peace Prayer, has been held at the sacred place of Mahabodhi Temple , Bodhgaya, where Buddha attained enlightenment. Many great Masters attended these prayers annually ever since it had begun. The prayer usually commenced on the 1st day of the twelfth month of the lunar calender and continued for 10 days.

On the last day, the Guru Padmasambhava Tsok/feast offering prayer is held. Annualy almost 10,000 people, including monks and nuns from all around the world would attend this great prayer.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions imposed as a result, this great annual prayer has not been held in Bodhgaya. So, we at Mindrolling Monastery, to ensure the continuity of the Monlam Chemo or the Great World Peace prayer ceremony, have been conducting it here since 2021.

The 33rd prayer ceremony began on the 9th February and will be held for 3 days. The last day of the Monlam, puja for all the deceased, Shitro, will be done. All sangha members of Mindrolling Monastery are attending this. This year too H.E. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche will be the full sponsor during these prayers including the offerings made to each participants and to all staffs each day.